Thursday, July 5, 2012

Offshore Production ICSS (Integrated control and safety system)

(Architecture of ICSS)
This system was implemented by Yokogawa Centum VP, Prosafe, PRM, SIOS and Exaquantum.
The process control system (PCS) used Centum VP and Foundation FieldBus, The SIS and FGS used Prosafe.
The plant resource manager PRM was used for interface to FF-H1 and HART, see below.

(PRM configuration)
The SIOS was used to interface to OPC RSLinx of ControlLogix from Rockwell.
The Exaquantum was used for historian data to interfacing to end user network.

(Exaquantum severs and ICSS configuration)



  1. Thanks Mr.Pachara for this valuable information...

  2. THanks fo this information. I would want to however ask is it possible to implement an ICSS without a Technical Room?
